Patrick O'Connor & Associates is a property tax consulting firm in the United States that files lawsuits throughout the State of Texas to collect unpaid debt. If you have been sued, DO NOT IGNORE THE LAWSUIT! Ignoring a lawsuit will result in a default judgment, making collection efforts, like garnishment and other scary solutions, available to Patrick O'Connor & Associates.
Many found their world turned upside down with the challenging economy and are struggling under the burden of credit card debt, student loans, foreclosures, second mortgages and SBA loans. Attorney Trenton Sims has defended hundreds of consumers in these lawsuits. Many people find hope and great relief when visiting with us and hearing what their options are from an attorney and firm with vast experience. Lawsuits can be complex but with an experienced attorney on your side, you have a greater chance for a positive outcome. Our goal is to help the good, hard-working families in Texas find true debt relief.